
Chess Challenge – Day 5 – ELO: 491


  • Tactics, Chess King Tactics for Beginners (30m)
  • Puzzle Rush 5m: 14
  • Black Lion prep with book (30m)
  • Game & Analysis

Game 5 – 01.03.2024 – B – win

  • Accuracy 93.2%, 1300 estimated rating
  • Opening theory: Unorthodox/blundery
  • 10. Should have taken with the P, didn’t see I can recapture if N takes
  • 13. Qg5 slightly better

Chess Challenge – Day 4 – ELO: 413


  • Tactics, Chess King Tactics for Beginners (30m)
  • Read Wikipedia article on pawn structures
  • Watched Seirawan Pawn Structures video (1.5x speed) with notes (30m)
  • Watched Seirawan Elements series (1.5x speed) with notes (90m)
  • Puzzle Storm: 13
  • Game & Analysis

Game 4 – 29.02.2024 – W – win

  • Accuracy 87.1%, 950 estimated rating
  • 5. Identified Carlsbad structure but couldn’t remember what it means for me
  • 7. Didn’t take the free pawn but figured I could do it after kicking the B
  • 12. Bad move as it loses the N, didn’t consider the pawn move in the game (move K out of the way is better)
  • 14. Forced way to trade Q would have been Qe5
  • 17. Both takes are equal
  • Felt quite tense to defend

Chess Challenge – Day 3 – ELO: 356


  • Tactics, Chess King Tactics for Beginners (30m)
  • Short&Sweet Black Lion (30m)
  • Game & Analysis

Game 3 – 28.02.2024 – B – win

  • Opening theory: Blunder by opponent turn 3
  • 3. Should have just taken the free pawn
  • 4. Take free pawn or c6
  • 9. Move Q to attack pawn or move N away from d7
  • Around 21 Endgame
  • 31. M8 missed → g5 not considered
  • 32 “blundered B”
  • Overall quite nice, missed the pawn in the opening and “blundered the B” (was still ok to trade for pawn) but executed well overall