- Tactics, Chess King Elementary 1 (30m)
- Puzzle Rush: 18
- Puzzle Streak: 16
- Chessable Reviews (30m)
- Black Lion
- Colle-Zukertort
- Game & Analysis
Game 23 – 16.03.2024 – W – win
- Accuracy 86.1%, 1300 rating
- 4. Developing the N with tempo is better (Nbd2) as is c4
- 6. See above, still the best moves
- 9. better to develop (Nd2)
- 10. Could have taken the free Ng4 with the Q (or Ne5)
- 16. Better to counterattack the Q with Nf3; d3 is best square for the B if retreat; Bg6 would lead to nice tactic if captured
- 18. Capturing the B with the pawn is better
- 22. f2 is a better square for the K than h2 (1.3 better)
- 23. Taking en passant is M9!
Game 24 – 16.03.2024 – B – win
- 8. Re8 better (to “manually castle”)
- 9. Kxe7, otherwise check on d5
- 12. Rd8 better
- 13. b6; Qd5
- 17. Taking the pawn on g5 is actually best
- 18. Still best to take the pawn (I wanted to immobilize the rook but g6 is bad for me)
- 20. Bf5 or g6 to lock in the pawn
- 21. Kg8 best defensive move
- b6 to free up the B