
Chess Challenge – Day 22 – ELO: 805


  • Tactics, Chess King Elementary 1 (30m)
  • Chessable Reviews (20m)
  • Puzzle rush (11)
  • Game & Analysis

Game 26 – 18.03.2024 – W – win

  • Accuracy 87%, 1250 rating
  • 4. c4 by far the best (check line); otherwise Bb5 to pin the Nc6 or Nbd5 to protect the Nf3
  • 11. Everything developed; +0.27
  • 16. c4 for take more space in the center (~0.4 better)
  • 17. Blunder, opponent didn’t see Qh6 (complicated sequence of doubling rooks to win the Q that is pinned to the K because Qh6 pins the pawn e3). Alternatively Qc5 also wins material. Better: R{e,f,g,d}1 → almost dead even endgame
  • Better to just take the pawn gxf4 slightly better than exf4
  • 23. Rd8+ is better (I did consider it)
  • 38. Just keep pushing the pawn
  • 43. Bc5 is M3 (instead of M7)