
Chess Challenge – Day 9 – ELO: 551


  • Tactics, Chess King Tactics for Beginners (30m)
  • Puzzle Rush: 15
  • 2x Game & Analysis

Game 10 – 05.03.2024 – W -win

  • Strange h6 open → should just play e4 to take center and go from there
  • 4. Bd3 or take center with c4
  • 8. Ignoring the rook and castling is best
  • After rook slides over, attacking with Ba3 is good
  • Opponent timed down to resign

Game 11 – 05.03.2024 – B – loss

  • Opening theory: Not sure what to do against 1. f4 but seems like the opening was ok
  • 6. N takes is a big mistake, should have taken with the pawn. After N takes back the B is hanging
  • 13. This is the moment to go for the attack with h5
  • 14 N h2 is actually good here (with f5 and Bg3 the R is trapped)
  • 15. g5 is a massive blunder hanging the N
  • 34. Should have simply taken the pawn
  • 36. Blunders the Q but villain doesn’t see it
  • 56. Missed M1, instead hung the Q to lose