
Chess Challenge – Game 200 – ELO: 1007

Finally hit the 1000 ELO milestone after exactly 200 games on December 15th, 2024.

I’ve played another game since so here’s the overall graph.

A nice learning journey so far. It took a bit over 10 months to reach the 1007, so I’m averaging about 20 games per month and about +5 ELO/game (5.04). Currently very happy with my opening choices and the focus for next year will be tactics and calculation.

Assuming it will get twice as hard and I can increase the volume to 25 games/month, I’m hoping for a best case scenario of 12*25*2.5=750 points. I’ll set the target at 1600 for the end of 2025 and take it 200 points at a time 🙂