- Tactics, Chess King Elementary 1 (30m)
- Puzzle Rush: 17
- Horse-Vision app (5m)
- Before each game: Chess King Elementary 1
- Test of 20 random new puzzles
- Only play if all passed (3x, 1x)
- Chessable “Introduction to Chess Calculation” Chapter 1 (55m)
- 2x Game & Analysis
Game 17 – 12.03.2024 – B -win
- Opponent simply resigned after 3 moves
Game 18 – 12.03.2024 – B -win
- 88.3% accuracy, 1250 rating
- 6. Bringing the B back inside is best, retreating is a bad move
- 8. h3 → rather develop the knight or second B (or a6)
- 10. Could have revealed Q attack on g5 by moving the Nf6 to h5